Reliance All Set To Shutdown MilkBasket Brand; Around 600 Employees Fired, Few Will Be Placed In Other Reliance Firms ?


Title: Reliance All Set To Shutdown MilkBasket Brand; Around 600 Employees Fired, Few Will Be Placed In Other Reliance Firms


In a surprising move, one of India's leading conglomerates, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), is all set to shut down its grocery delivery brand, MilkBasket. The decision comes as a shock to many, given MilkBasket's prominent presence in the online grocery space. Reports indicate that around 600 employees will be laid off due to the brand's closure, with only a few fortunate ones being offered placements in other Reliance firms. This blog delves into the reasons behind this unexpected development and its potential implications on the employees and the broader retail sector.

1.  The Competitive Landscape

The online grocery delivery market in India has seen significant growth in recent years, attracting various players vying for dominance. However, the market is fiercely competitive, with well-established brands like BigBasket and Grofers commanding substantial market share. Despite its innovative approach and localized strategies, MilkBasket seemed to struggle to keep up with the stiff competition, leading to the decision to discontinue its operations.

2.  Financial Viability

Operating a grocery delivery business requires substantial investment in logistics, warehousing, and technology infrastructure. While the demand for online grocery shopping surged during the pandemic, the rising operational costs and competitive pricing made it challenging for MilkBasket to maintain profitability. Reliance Industries, being a publicly-listed company, is likely to prioritize financial viability and shareholder interests, which could have influenced the decision to shut down the brand.

3. Restructuring Strategy

Reliance Industries has always been known for its astute business strategies and forward-thinking decisions. It is possible that the shutdown of MilkBasket is part of a broader restructuring strategy within the conglomerate. The move may allow the company to streamline its resources and focus on its core businesses, such as JioMart, which has been aggressively expanding its presence in the e-commerce and online grocery sector.

4.  Impact on Employees

The unfortunate outcome of the shutdown is the loss of jobs for approximately 600 MilkBasket employees. While the news may come as a shock to them, the decision to place some employees in other Reliance firms could offer them a glimmer of hope. However, it remains to be seen how many of the laid-off staff will find suitable positions within the conglomerate, and the transition process might present its own set of challenges.

5.  Broader Implications

The shutdown of MilkBasket may also have implications for the online grocery market in India. With one less player in the market, the existing competitors might gain a temporary advantage, while customers could experience reduced options for grocery delivery services. However, it could also encourage other players to innovate and improve their offerings, potentially benefiting consumers in the long run.


Reliance Industries' decision to shut down MilkBasket reflects the highly competitive nature of the online grocery delivery market and the need to prioritize financial viability. While it may bring potential advantages to the conglomerate's restructuring strategy, it also raises concerns for the employees and the overall retail sector. The coming months will be crucial in determining how the affected employees cope with the transition and how the online grocery market evolves with one less player in the game.
